Tucker .birthstory.

On Monday I was a little nervous to leave on Tuesday and still no baby Tucker, but luckily Tucker understood that I needed him to come before I left for Arizona. 😉 Jessica and I have been friends since we were 3 or 4, we had our first sleepovers at each other’s houses, went through the break ups and crushes on boys, girl fights, the whole growing into a women thing, we have been there for each other through very hard family times, lifted each other up when we needed it, celebrated when we both got engaged, and both played bridesmaid in each other’s weddings. My friendship with her is more like a sister. We can go without talking for months and pick right back up where we left off.  I can be brutally honest with her, and I can always turn to her when I need someone to vent to.  Almost 23 years of friendship and I wouldn’t change all of that for the world. On Monday we added a new thing to our long list of milestones and that was the birth of Tucker James at 10:16 pm weighing 7 pounds and measuring 20.25 inches long. Watching Jessica go through the pains of labor was the hardest thing for me to take that night.  Knowing I couldn’t do anything to make her feel better, I choked back tears. Telling her she was strong and that she didn’t need any drugs to take the  pain away was all I could do. Then the pushing started and with several good hard pushes this beautiful little baby came, and then came the waterworks from everyone. As I took the photos, I was a ball of emotions, my best friend had her first baby and I was there to photograph it all. That little boy has stolen my heart, and I cannot wait to give him little friends to have the same relationship that his mommy and I have.

Jessica, Tyler, and Tucker I love all three of you so much and I am beyond blessed to be a part of your lives!

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